Excellent course on interpreting CT scans correlating dental applications that are applicable to my practice! Extremely well organized and presented in an easy to follow and easy to understand format!
Dr. Tamimi - How To Read A Cone Beam CT (webinar)
Truly expansive knowledge base! I was in awe! Able to communicate very effectively
Dr. Tamimi - How To Read A Cone Beam CT (webinar)
The doctors were fantastic! We got so much knowledge in 2 days!
Dr. Terry Alford and Dr. Larry Lieberman - Laser Mastership Course (Bradenton FL)
Excellent program! Things you can take back home and perform immediately
Drs. Terry Alford and Larry Lieberman - Laser Mastership Course (Bradenton FL)
Terry and Larry create an atmosphere of helping, learning, no ego, no politics, Eager to help you master the material.
Dr. Terry Alford and Dr. Larry Lieberman - Laser Mastership Course (Bradenton FL)
An excellent, clinically relevant course that presents results based on solid, reproducible science. I highly recommend it.
Dr. Kerstein - Digital Occlusion Course (Cocoa Beach, FL)
Dr. Kerstein has an unbelievable understanding of the masticatory system and can clearly and simply articulate the material. His understanding of computer assisted occlusal analysis is unparalleled.
JL, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (Cocoa Beach, FL)
Clear, precise, well presented. Very credible and interesting. Fantastic course!
SG, New York City (Cocoa Beach, FL)
Prosthodontists have always debated the various theories of occlusion and how malocclusions / interferences come into significance (or not). We can quantify forces and time. Dentistry now has scientific data to help our patients which moves far beyond the old theories that often didn't work.
JA, Jacksonville, FL (Cocoa Beach, FL)
The speaker presented the material in a very logical and concise manner that will definitely help me do a better job of evaluating and treating my patients.
JW, Moorhead City, NC (Cocoa Beach, FL)